
It is fun to find out where those straws go. It is even more fun if there is a milkshake reward. Maybe you cannot provide it, but you can get a reward of sorts by sharing your own therapy creations with the team! If you like...

Tracing is wonderful for helping build fine motor coordination and help eyes track from left to right. The rockets keep it fun! Feel free to share your favorite tracing creations here on your Brilliant Therapy site. Download the PDF for Rocket Tracing...

This is a great way to show how shapes combined together can make up more complex shapes. Understanding how parts can add up to a whole is part of what makes this worth while. Of course, this is also wonderful for fine motor strength and coordination,...

Easy to set up and a wonderful way for clients to work on fine motor, visual perception, visual motor, direction following and asking for or sharing of tools makes this a great therapy option. SUPPLIES: Colored paper, white paint, paint brushes, scissors, glue stick. (optional-marker) OPTIONS: You...

This is a wonderful way to assess basic visual motor skills and make it meaningful. Some of the skills addressed are: Asymmetrical bilateral upper extremity movements, visual-motor, direction following, visual discrimination (determine which circle is bigger), cut, paste and placement of items. Another unique element with...

Training the eyes to process data in an organized way (from the top to the bottom of the page for example) is important. Here is another iSpy page to have fun working on these skills. Create some of your own, and share them with the team! Download...

Look and laugh could be another name for this task. Whimsical in appearance and fun to find characters, this activity is a nice way to address visual-motor skills. Download the PDF for iSpy: Happy Halloween...

Both young and elderly clients enjoy making kabobs and they are a wonderful way to build fine motor and ADL skills. OPTIONS: You can place a variety of foods on skewer sticks such as; pineapple, cheese, meat, berries, grapes, apples, marshmallows and more. Young clients can...

Build-A-Square is a wonderful way to build skills with the pre-writing client. Line awareness is the key here. Visual attention to lines and understanding them along with visual-motor skills make this a solid task. OPTIONS: You can have colored paper strips that are parts of letters...

Fling them, flop them, step on them, balance them on your head or back of your hands and feet. Whatever you do, bean bags make you smile while you work on skills such as balancing, body awareness, strengthening, and ROM. OPTIONS: A bean bag activity that...