
There are many ways to incorporate ribbons & yarn into therapy. They can also be run thru a laminator and kids can follow them with their fingers. Here are some options: Yarn, ribbon, and party streamers work well for wall or floor visual-perceptual motor skill building....

Sometimes unexpected tools are best to build skills with. Kids usually find umbrellas fun and adding the therapy activities with it will bring lots of interest. Another Umbrella idea: Hang an opened umbrella upside down and have kids toss pennies or sock snowballs up into it....

With directed drawing, there is a picture or someone breaking down the picture that the client will draw into small increments. With this activity, you may start with drawing the bottom 4 horizontal lines, then keep adding on until the picture is complete. This picture...

Believe it or not, this is another favorite! Kids love this and it builds so many skills, such as reflex integration, crossing midline, UE strengthening, visual tracking (need to use water for this one-dry mop will not do), and sensory modulation. We used this poster...

This can be a good tool for the visually challenged. We included a borderless copy in case some kids are visually confused by it. ST: You can also use is as a communication testing task. Verbally talk about what color goes where without pointing. Download the PDF for...

With 9 different colors used for the outline, you can have fun coloring or copying them on colored paper. They are printer friendly and fun to use. Cut them out and place them on a paper strip or pick them out of a box and...