03 Jan Drive The Tire
Old car tires in a therapy gym for all ages is a hit! If you have some kids wash them there will be no black hands when you jump over them, into them, around them, or drive them down a line in the gym. Be...
Old car tires in a therapy gym for all ages is a hit! If you have some kids wash them there will be no black hands when you jump over them, into them, around them, or drive them down a line in the gym. Be...
Classroom sensory stations are a critical part of classrooms especially those who have kids with special needs. The bouncy or sleepy style kids need a station that fits them, so here is a tool to help you organize what is needed for each sensory kid's...
This tool is designed to provide visual supports for kids that need to stay attended in school and struggle with sensory modulation and self regulation. This is also a wonderful tool for starting meaningful discussions and a better understanding of how others cope with stress...
Directed drawing is a wonderful way to build skills and have fun at the same time. Spacial awareness, thought organization, direction following, visual motor integration and coordination are just a few things that are developed with this task. Here is a turkey picture idea. Direction Idea: You...
Easy to make and a fun way to work on crossing midline, line awareness, drawing skills, and imagination communication. 3 options are shown. To cross midline, you can clip them (great for digital strengthening) and place them on another side of ones body, you can also...
This is a fun adaptable activity that will have kids engaged in drawing and cutting. They really get into making scars on the face which is great for learning about lines which ultimately helps with handwriting skill development. SUPPLIES: green paper, black paper, marker, glue stick,...
Body Socks are a great addition to an obstacle course, providing some kids the proprioceptive feedback they need to their sensory system. Other kids prefer to be squashed between to cushions. And some kids just like both. OPTION: We had a client carry two containers filled...
Candy Corn Cut & Paste is wonderful for increasing tolerance for fine motor table top tasks, following directions, and visual-motor skills. Pre-K kids can complete it in 1 sitting and it is not overwhelming. SUPPLIES: Black construction paper, white crayon or white pencil, glue stick, scissors,...
Pool noodles can be used for a variety of therapy tasks. This picture should give you additional ideas on what you can do for grasping balls, balloons, and stuffed animals with 1 pool noodle. Great for using 2 hands together and accomplishing a task. Yippee!...
Obstacle courses can be made from a variety of items. In this Obstacle course we used discarded containers and put a pumpkin face on the bottom of the containers and then let kids place the opening on a hook. We also, had them carry (vampire blood- water...