
So easy to move when you have pictures posted and all you need is a towel or mat on the floor in front of them. The colorful drawings are motivating and help make the fun happen. These are perfect for a small space obstacle course at...

Laminate these pictures and you can incorporate speech skills in the pool. Discuss what looks more difficult and why, or what they want to do first. PT's and OT's your on your own, this is your kind of element. You may even post the picture in...

Inner thigh ROM is often neglected in kids. They don't have to climb up a wagon or ride a horse to get anywhere, thus, their legs are weaker and often not conditioned with limited range of motion (ROM). Doing this can also be good for...

Feet enjoy these workouts! Many of these activities can be done seated. They help strengthen muscles and coordination so that walking and sports are easier. Download the PDF for Fancy Feet Activities...

This is harder for kids than it appears. Once they get it, they like it. The fun illustration encourages one to do the exercise. This can help with attention to details as much as reflex integration and wrist extension. Download the PDF for Giraffe Stretches...

These 6 exercise ball basics are presented in such a friendly way that your clients will want to do them. They also work well in an obstacle course where you let clients pick one out of three to do. If you like these, you will like...