
If you do not have time to color some bugs to put on your obstacle course, we have you covered. These can also be used as examples for coloring. OPTIONS: Using games or challenges with bugs are usually a hit with kids. Bugs move and are...

This DIY matching activity is easy and cheap to make. I got a free shoe box from a TJMaxx store, then took a piece of paper and placed colors on it with markers and glued it to the top of the shoebox. Then I took scissors...

This is a favorite with just a tricky part where you fold the mouth into the center of the card. With lots of folding and coloring, this might end up being one of your favorites. Fun for any occasion and super for building skills such as...

Doing an activity like this can help with writing, thought organization, memory, and communication skills. We have put in 2 versions for you. Let us know which is your favorite, because together we make therapy better! Download the PDF for Title, Author, Illustrator...

Need a quick coloring and cutting skill idea? Then this will be helpful, so just print and go! Sometimes simple is better for our clients. Many of these kinds of activities are in parents tools under the following categories; classroom tools, obstacle courses, therapeutic activities, and following directions. Download...

It is fun to find out where those straws go. It is even more fun if there is a milkshake reward. Maybe you cannot provide it, but you can get a reward of sorts by sharing your own therapy creations with the team! If you like...

Easy to set up and a wonderful way for clients to work on fine motor, visual perception, visual motor, direction following and asking for or sharing of tools makes this a great therapy option. SUPPLIES: Colored paper, white paint, paint brushes, scissors, glue stick. (optional-marker) OPTIONS: You...

This is a wonderful way to assess basic visual motor skills and make it meaningful. Some of the skills addressed are: Asymmetrical bilateral upper extremity movements, visual-motor, direction following, visual discrimination (determine which circle is bigger), cut, paste and placement of items. Another unique element with...

Counting is an important part of living. It involves cognitive and visual motor skills. This sheet makes it fun. OPTIONS: Color the shapes while you count them. Place a sticker on each shape if you come up with the correct answer. Count aloud for articulation practice. Download...