
These are quick and easy to make. A great additional learning tool that incorporates visual-motor, start point awareness for writing letters, visual discrimination, and other educational elements for reading and writing. Just draw the letter and then place colored squares on it. Kids can then place...

File Folders are a great way to keep a wide variety of tasks in a small space. Use a variety of colors and textures such as tin foil, sand paper, and pipe cleaner. Put the task inside, laminate it, and you are ready to go! Directions:...

Having trouble getting kids engaged in writing with correct spacing between words? This can help. Just let kids place a sticker between each sentence or word that they write. This can be helpful for clients that struggle with spaces between words or not knowing where...

This tool can be individualized very easily. Clients stay attended due to the sensory input of the string and they enjoy moving the string/yarn. Variatons may include; matching to pictures that relate to each other ( political figures, tree to apple, dog to puppy, sad face...

Here is a quick easy for learning task that you can incorporate writing skills with. The decorative border will help keep up interest while you work on skills. Baseline awareness can be easily worked on with this task as well as cognition and bilateral integration. Download PDF...

A fun skill building therapy tool. Try saying each number aloud when you trace them. If you like this, you might check out our e-books in the 'Resources' section. Download PDF for Cut & Trace Bubble Numbers...