
Speech: Have kids articulate a letter/word and if you or another student can hear the letter pronounced then they get to write it into a ring until all the rings are used up with letters. These sheets also work well with obstacle courses. We have included...

For an easier version, just pull up Sort the 4 Symbols. We are lucky to have the opportunity to work with you and hope that this task will help strengthen; visual motor, visual tracking, fine motor control, reading, writing, speech, life learning, and bring laughter. One way...

Why are these lucky items? Write about them and try drawing them in the little coordinating boxes. Share your creations with us on the Brilliant Therapy facebook page and we can give you credit. Download PDF for Sort 4 Symbols...

We have made beginning number writing fun! Each number has the same number of different characters. You can even make them into rainbow numbers by doing each number over again with a different colored crayon or maker. Make sure you start at the start point...

Here are some creative ideas to do with this writing workout page: *Have kids pick a number between 1 and 8 and then have them do the number of lines they picked. *Highlight the lines they like best and have them continue those lines. They can watch...

Complete coloring the turkey with a sample below. The sample is easy to cut off or fold out of sight if that is better for the skills being addressed. For short term memory, you can show students and then fold it back under. Count how...

Beginning with the basics. Here is simple owl to color or to use as a quick screen. Easy to cut out with bright purple lines. Kids can even add details to eyes and chest. For writing: Have kids write in words that are color specific or...

This is definitely a kids favorite! With colorful pictures to add into their sentences, they don't mind writing more. All you need is a pencil, scissors, and a glue stick. Have you created some motivating therapeutic tools? Share them with the Brilliant Therapy team on our facebook...