
Here is a list of everyday classroom tools. It is so important that we give kids opportunities to search for things in the 3rd dimension. They love this task when they each have their own sheet. Stay quiet and just watch what their eyes do....

Here is a common task that can reveal visual issues. You may want to record the time needed to complete this task especially if you have a TBI client. Download PDF for Word Search: Farm...

This is a sample (with a spelling error) from the Dyslexia e-book. Obviously, it does not impact the therapy benefits of the page so check it out. If this type of task is something that your students benefit from, then go grab yourself the Dyslexia...

We hope that the strong colorful border will distract little minds just enough that they do not get intimidated by the volume of dots. Start with the uppercase alphabet and have fun making the octopus. Have you made anything you would like to share? Just go...

You will not see this anywhere else! Kids are different than they were 20 years ago, and times have changed. To capture their interest can be a challenge so we are meeting it by creating new ways of building writing skills that tickle the mind....

You can increase difficulty with this coloring task by giving specific directions (written or auditory depending on what skills you are targeting) such as "color each star or word a different color" or " place stripes on 5 letters". Download PDF for Always Do Your Best...

This is one of the first tools that we ever came up with for kids. They write their name on the line and then the therapist gets to choose how many items they want the child to copy from the assortment above. Kids get to...

You may want to use an additional sheet of paper to cover the other steps that you are not working on and slide it down as you go. This way kids do not get overwhelmed. This activity can help build rapport with some kids and slow...

This is a wonderful way to introduce intentional drawing. Line awareness, visual motor integration, and confidence building are some of the benefits of this task. If client is still afraid, try copying the x's and o's that are seen on the border. Creative therapists are all around...

Use these 3 different animals to practice tracing skills along with visual motor and asymmetrical bilateral upper extremity skills. Fun and almost whimsical, these pages can help learning happen. Help us reach more caregivers, teachers, therapists, and parents by asking them to join our team to...