
This is a great way to show how shapes combined together can make up more complex shapes. Understanding how parts can add up to a whole is part of what makes this worth while. Of course, this is also wonderful for fine motor strength and coordination,...

Look and laugh could be another name for this task. Whimsical in appearance and fun to find characters, this activity is a nice way to address visual-motor skills. Download the PDF for iSpy: Happy Halloween...

Both young and elderly clients enjoy making kabobs and they are a wonderful way to build fine motor and ADL skills. OPTIONS: You can place a variety of foods on skewer sticks such as; pineapple, cheese, meat, berries, grapes, apples, marshmallows and more. Young clients can...

Fall is the time we think of woodland creatures. Have fun making raccoons and foxes while you build fine-motor and cognitive skills. SUPPLIES: Brown paper, scissors, marker, and paint. DIRECTIONS: 1. Cut out 1 large triangle for the face and 2 small triangles for the ears. (If...

Yes, this is just like the Forked Spider & Fly, except you can use a pencil or cotton swab to spread out the paint to create spider legs. They usually end up a bit thicker so make your paint blob a bit bigger. This is a...

NOTE: There are 2 pdf's available for this therapy tool. SUPPLIES: 2 different colors of paper, white pencil/crayon, glue stick, scissors, and a pencil OT: This is a wonderful way to excite kids about writing, visual planning, visual motor skills, and increase task tolerance. ST: This is a...