
Umbrellas can be fun for strengthening and visual attention and tracking. A solid bold color or bright multicolored umbrellas work best. Below are 5 fun ways to get therapy done. 1. Place light balls (ones found in a ball pit or table tennis balls are great) in...

Building your own balance beam can be fun and functional. A great gift to give to a school that does not have one of their own for kids to practice on. Supplies: *Two 2x4's that are 6 feet long or longer *2x4 that is cut up into two...

Here are some additional ideas for how balls can be used in therapy sessions. For ball activities focusing on UE use, Go to Brilliant Therapy section under OT=unlimited=grasp development and find 'Balls and Arms Activities'. Additional Ideas: -Throw velcro balls to a target -Place butcher paper across a...

Supplies: - Paper plate -Paint or colored markers ( tan, black, red) -Eyes (google eyes or cut a small white circle of paper and draw in the pupil) -1 Sheet of blue or black construction paper (if you choose black have a white colored pencil on hand or white...