
This is an OT and ST favorite! Minimal cost and lots of fun skill-building. Any clients struggling with visual issues will benefit from the colorful cards that they have to quickly search through and process. Share your list of favorite games with the team on the...

Learning about life involves money. Here is an opportunity to incorporate some education and movement together. You can use money to make a trail and play some music to have clients walk and stop the music to have them stop and see what money they are...

Oh My! This is a blast! This treatment tool works on so much: -Writing -Thought organization -UE ROM & Strengthening & Endurance -Attention to task -Visual-Perception -Visual Motor -ADL Checklist And so much more, especially if you have a large mirror where you can trace body parts. Our sensory summer camp kids loved writing...

Balls can be used for so many different activities in therapy. Here is one that can be adapted many ways. OPTIONS: You may use colored paper taped to the ground instead of cardboard. ST: Have clients call out a word from a chosen topic each time the...

Welcome to the wonderful world of matching. We had great success with these task folders. Here are some ideas: =match by coloring the picture the same =match by familiar objects = match by foods (place crackers etc. on copier and then cut out and place into a laminated...