
He has 15 parts missing and that is not fun for him. Let kids have fun finding the missing bone parts and adding them in. They can keep glancing up to the small picture at the top right (this will help with oculomotor skills) to...

A maze with a story is always a great combination. Whether you tell or read the story, having a maze to go with it will definitely bring out an opportunity to work on visual and motor coordination skills. Just start at her neck and work your...

This can be easily adapted to work on fine motor coordination or sensory defensiveness and oral musculature. SET UP: We used a piece of packing foam (free from target or TJMaxx ) and poked uncooked spaghetti into it. Then let kids stack as many as they...

An advantage of making these peppermint bowls that it keeps kids guessing what other edible things can be made into functional items and helps to diminish the client's set-in-stone mindset allowing future opportunities to expand their comfort zone in olfactory and gustatory areas as well...