
Movement is wonderful especially when your body does what you tell it to do. This is designed to help brains figure it all out. See how fast you can doe each line of moves. Clap, hop, high five hands and toe touches,...

This is a very flexible activity sheet. Therapists use it differently to reach different goals. OT: For sensory try gluing on spices and random sensory items such as feathers, play doh, fuzz balls, and paint. For fine motor emphasis you can cut it out and decorate...

Helping kids develop strategies that help them be successful in life is important. Here is another tool to help kids and it can be adapted to fit your kids particular brain. Each child learns differently and uses different strategies based on how their brain is...

Whether your client suffered a head injury or struggles to visually scan this can be a helpful tool. Just think, if you cannot do this, you most likely struggle to pay a bill. This is also the type of task that can be sent home...

Sometimes cars are the only way to keep the interest going, so here is a visual motor task that can be completed and then colored. If you like this or need more of these types of tools, just let us know. And remember, the more involved...

Popcorn pictures allows clients to experience fun flexible thinking while working on speech skills. Just write a word from the word bank above in each popcorn square and then illustrate it. Ink it can help you think it so have fun! Share your fun creations with your Brilliant...

Making writing, drawing, and speaking fun is part of what makes this therapy tool something worth using. Bright boundaries encourage attention to the details of the page. Share the wonderful creation that you have made to help make people better! We want to build the therapy treatment...

If you like this you may like /S/ Pictures and Popcorn Pictures worksheets. We want to keep therapy and learning fun for everyone. Share your therapy tool ideas and needs with your Brilliant Therapy team and let's see what we can do together! And remember, when...

Here we have given you two choices. The first page is easy to use by categories, the second one you get to cut out pictures (or draw them) and then give it to a client to find. Both can be wonderful ways to help improve visual...