26 Sep Boom Blast Sticks
This game is always a hit with kids, especially the middle schoolers. Fine motor, turn taking, and visual motor skills are some of the great skill benefits of this game....
This game is always a hit with kids, especially the middle schoolers. Fine motor, turn taking, and visual motor skills are some of the great skill benefits of this game....
There are many different yoga visual support sheets on your Brilliant Therapy site, so browse around and find what you want. We have included this printer friendly and colored version for you to get started. OPTIONS: As you can tell by the pictures, Yoga and Tai...
This is a wonderful visual-perceptual and visual motor tool. Kids just love the colorful fanciful pieces. They are easy to put away and pull out, colorful, and have a nice proprioceptive touch element to them due to the magnetic pieces....
Here are 2 desert inspired coloring pages to help build visual-motor skills. OPTION: You can also do this as a directed coloring task. All you have to do is call out what color each item should be colored or not colored. This way you can help...
This is a fun social visual cognitive skill building activity. Some specific skills this addresses are: sensory discrimination, visual processing, thought organization, working memory, writing, body awareness, communication, receptive language, pragmatic language, and following directions (receptive). DIRECTIONS: Have clients sit around in a circle and have 2...
Activities with laminate scraps are endless. Recycling is a new way of working. Watch the videos and check out the pictures for some ideas. More Options: 1. Place laminate on wall. Place velcro bits on it and have clients reach up and place items on them. When...
Handprints are wonderful for making garland for many different occasions. From retirement parties to room decorating this activity ends up leaving an uplifting impression. Therapeutic benefits include: sensory, fine motor, visual motor, bilateral integration, task attention, and social skills. Supplies: Paint, construction paper, pencil, scissors, string. Option: Write...
Pronoun Fun lets you make many fun sentences that you can say or write just by putting the picture cards together to help sentence generation. Options: Try making social stories with the colorful cards or have clients act out a card that they see on the...
This idea has many variations. They can be book markers, gift cards, or obstacle course reminders in a home exercise program. Directions: Have kids make their own attitude pose or exercise move and then take their picture. Once you have secured a print, cut around the...
Folding Fish is a wonderful way to work on speech as well as fine motor strength, coordination, wrist AROM, and visual perceptual skills. Kids do better with a model (especially for drawing the fish body) and will improve dexterity and visual tracking up and down...