
Another fun way to work on writing and visual discrimination. Let's face it, if you cannot see where lines are supposed to be, then how can you correct any written errors. Speech: Sentence generation can be done with these pictures to assist. Share your created therapy tools...

You have 4 and 8 Differences sheets to use. As kids get better confidence grows. This helps attention to tasks as well. You may also try doing a 3D task prior to this 2D one. Give kids 4 objects that you have another one of. Have...

This is such a wonderful writing training tool. PT: This can be used by taping it to a wall or under a table and have clients stand on rocker boards or lay on their back to complete it. [wrist weights can be added] Stronger arms contribute to...

This is a fun and easy way to prepare an activity that focuses on pronoun usage. Make it multi sensory by letting kids have a piece of popcorn if they get their sentence said in a time 1 minute frame. >> Download Worksheet for Popcorn Activity...