
Looking ahead and planning is just part of why this maze can be a skill builder. Visual memory, fine motor coordination, and visual tracking will only be better with tools like this. OPTIONS: You can use this as part of an obstacle course for balance by...

For little ones beginning to write, match, or color, this can be a fun skill building tool. Letter sounds: T,S,P,B,SH,CR If you are developing your own tools, share them with your Brilliant Therapy team. We can help you get them out there. Together we are better!   Click here...

Soothing, skill building, and fun, this tool has several variations on the theme. Since each client is wired differently, this tool gives you the options that you may need. Completion drawing and much more. We have many more complete the picture tools on your Brilliant Therapy...

This tool has more than meets the eye. We have provided versions that work on articulation, reading, along with visual motor skills. Articulation Focus: /ST/ and /R/ Share your therapy tools and get credit and earn points for more buying power. Together we are better!   Click here to...

If you like this or think it might be too difficult for your client, then try Cut & Assemble: Apple. These tools are designed to focus on parts to whole concept that is part of executive functioning skills. This helps with understanding more of how the...

If you like this, you may enjoy the Cut & Assemble: Spider! This is a wonderful tool for building activity tolerance and an understanding of how parts put together make up the whole picture. We have included a coloring prompt picture, a tracing picture and a coloring...

Who doesn't like a fun therapy challenge? This teaches the eyes to select each element, or chunk down what is seen so that the data is manageable and makes sense to the viewer. So often kids see so much data in front of them, they forget to...

Believe it or not, this Monkey Jump is the precursor to learning how to do the Cartwheel. We have put a line in the drawing so that people who are not familiar with this movement can see how the hands are planted on the floor...