
Orbies are fun and can be ordered on line or found at Walmart. They are slippery watery beads of colorful sensory fun. All you need is some water and a bowl to put the tiny plastic-like beads in and within minutes they expand before you. If...

Yes, this is just like the Forked Spider & Fly, except you can use a pencil or cotton swab to spread out the paint to create spider legs. They usually end up a bit thicker so make your paint blob a bit bigger. This is a...

The bright colored paper encourages clients to try to cut circles without drawing them first. Imagining where a line should be, is a visual motor integration, visual perception, and memory task. SUPPLIES: scissors, bright colored paper, glue stick DIRECTIONS: 1. Cut and glue on grass. 2. Cut out...

Taking things and reaching up to put them on a particular place or pushing Christmas lights into cardboard are just some of the options that you have to motivate clients and help them to gage how much is expected from them. For example, knowing that...