
This move is valuable because it is the beginning movement for doing a cartwheel and you have your hips and feet crossing midline. This is a great addition to an obstacle course. You can place your hands on a line or tire or anything that makes...

Many kids are attracted to these turkeys so here are two versions (one is a turkey napkin holder-the small one) and the other is just a standing turkey using toilet paper rolls for the body. You can also use cardstock paper as a substitute for...

These are definitely worth doing. Upper body strengthening (including digits), coordination, and visual motor skills get a workout and it is so much fun! SUPPLIES: cardboard(we used a discarded box), scissors, and a coin (penny, nickel, or quarter). Colored paper and glue is optional. DIRECTIONS: Using the...

Body Socks are a great addition to an obstacle course, providing some kids the proprioceptive feedback they need to their sensory system. Other kids prefer to be squashed between to cushions. And some kids just like both. OPTION: We had a client carry two containers filled...

Most clients like popcorn and associate it with something positive. They also like the smell, so here is a way to incorporate visual motor skills, communication, and hand strengthening. Just have clients take a hole puncher and punch out each popcorn popcorn cut out. OPTION: If you...

Pipe cleaner can also be useful in obstacle courses as well as crafts or shoe tying practice. Here they are used as part of an obstacle course designed to address balance and sensory defensiveness. We used pipe cleaners, blue paper, shredded paper (gift paper) and small...

Unscrewing caps can be a challenge that is part of everyday life, so make it fun to practice. A wonderful way to build patience, hand strength, and confidence. OPTIONS: Try turning it into a game such as see how many you can screw and unscrew in...