
File Folders are a great way to keep a wide variety of tasks in a small space. Use a variety of colors and textures such as tin foil, sand paper, and pipe cleaner. Put the task inside, laminate it, and you are ready to go! Directions:...

This tool can be individualized very easily. Clients stay attended due to the sensory input of the string and they enjoy moving the string/yarn. Variatons may include; matching to pictures that relate to each other ( political figures, tree to apple, dog to puppy, sad face...

This task is a wonderful vision discrimination, visual-motor, and attention to task activity. If you have original items that you would like to share, just let us know on our facebook page. Download PDF for Animal Face Match: Coloring...

This is a fun poster to use when placing turkey footprints down on a path for kids to follow. Two sets of tracks can cross over each other forcing the kids to look at the details of the prints they are following and not get...

Pumpkins are fascinating because of their bright color and unique shape. Here kids have some directed finger painting practice with a fun subject. Don't forget to check out all our holiday activities by clicking on your month of choice. Share your fun therapy ideas with your Brilliant...

This tool was made simple so that you could use it in a variety of ways. Below are some ideas: 1. Place a color in each row of boxes from dark to light, cut them out and place in order. 2. Use for writing practice (letter size...