
Try approaching movements by coloring them first and then doing them. You may be surprised at what changing the routine can do. Simple to color or cut out, the kids get to look at their own colorful creations and do the moves. Now that makes coloring...

This simple template can be used in a variety of ways here are some ideas to get you started! -Laminate it and place it on a clip board or inside a folder where kids can check the box when they have completed the tasks written in...

This is such a wonderful writing training tool. PT: This can be used by taping it to a wall or under a table and have clients stand on rocker boards or lay on their back to complete it. [wrist weights can be added] Stronger arms contribute to...

Eye and brain training with letters can be fun. With lots of space between letters and an easy break half way thru the task. You can also fold the paper so it looks manageable to the client. Download PDF for Circle and Cross...

Use the visual chart to show different body movements! You can laminate and cut them out. Add some velcro and lay them on a strip. You can also use them for a visual schedule. This tool is so beneficial for many kids, not just those...

Needing help getting a client to understand what to do with a ball? This picture board may help, especially for autistic kids or those with processing difficulties. >>Download picture board Adaptations: *Use a stuffed animal or squishy toy for throw & catch. *Laminate and cut them out to use...