
Using dots can be cost effective, fun and functional. Give some of these activities a try. PT: Dots can encourage energy and make a dull therapy room more motivating for young and old clients. Check out the basketball bounce with squares picture to motivate you. Try...

Sometimes unexpected tools are best to build skills with. Kids usually find umbrellas fun and adding the therapy activities with it will bring lots of interest. Another Umbrella idea: Hang an opened umbrella upside down and have kids toss pennies or sock snowballs up into it....

Feet enjoy these workouts! Many of these activities can be done seated. They help strengthen muscles and coordination so that walking and sports are easier. Download the PDF for Fancy Feet Activities...

Cut out the arrow or decorate it. Use it to communicate where someone is supposed to look. Ideas: Cut & Color, Decorate, Draw around it, making it larger with different colors, Put food on it and eat if from the stem to the point, or use...

If you can use this, then you can use the eBooks for obstacle courses! Check them out and you will be surprised at how much fun and skill-building can happen. We put a sample picture of a school obstacle course to get your creative juices flowing. For...

Here is a taste of our e-book Move & Groove May Obstacle Course. For all the support pictures just grab yourself a copy! You will love the artistic illustrations, and the notes help ensure your success. Skills built include: fine and gross motor, visual-motor, visual-perceptual, balance, strengthening,...

This colorful skill builder engages more than physical skills. It makes imagination soar and kids will be more inclined to perfecting the details of each task. Be assured you will address; motor, gross motor, reflex integration, trunk strengthening, visual-motor and perceptual skills just to name...

This is near the top of our favorites list! Easy to do anywhere, this includes some cards that can be posted on to your course, or given to the client to refer to (that will help with executive functioning skills), or use them as flash...