
Pool Noodles are great for a variety of therapy tasks.  You can jump rope with them or use them as an exercise bar. A variation you can try, is to have kids stand on a balance beam as they throw the javelin noodle towards a...

Push ups on a bolster or walk outs are wonderful for trunk strengthening, body awareness, and a great addition to any obstacle course. You may also have client lay supine on top and try to align their body with the bolster. They may even be...

Using dots can be cost effective, fun and functional. Give some of these activities a try. PT: Dots can encourage energy and make a dull therapy room more motivating for young and old clients. Check out the basketball bounce with squares picture to motivate you. Try...

Oh what JOY they bring. Kids and adults love looking at them. Hope the pictures can inspire you to get yourself some. Walmart and other craft stores carry them and they are cheap! Idea: They are fun for finger tip prehension: Place one in each section...

Feet enjoy these workouts! Many of these activities can be done seated. They help strengthen muscles and coordination so that walking and sports are easier. Download the PDF for Fancy Feet Activities...

Cut out the arrow or decorate it. Use it to communicate where someone is supposed to look. Ideas: Cut & Color, Decorate, Draw around it, making it larger with different colors, Put food on it and eat if from the stem to the point, or use...

Repeating this exercise across the floor is a frequently used tool in orthopedic settings, but also works great as an addition to a home program notebook or school obstacle course. DIRECTIONS: Client bends at the waist and touches the floor with their hands and then walks...