
There are many different yoga visual support sheets on your Brilliant Therapy site, so browse around and find what you want. We have included this printer friendly and colored version for you to get started. OPTIONS: As you can tell by the pictures, Yoga and Tai...

This is a wonderful visual-perceptual and visual motor tool. Kids just love the colorful fanciful pieces. They are easy to put away and pull out, colorful, and have a nice proprioceptive touch element to them due to the magnetic pieces....

Activities with laminate scraps are endless. Recycling is a new way of working. Watch the videos and check out the pictures for some ideas. More Options: 1. Place laminate on wall. Place velcro bits on it and have clients reach up and place items on them. When...

Here is another option for your obstacle course routines. Use a file folder and place a symbol in it representing each task in your obstacle course. As the child completes each task, they move the symbol representing that task to the other side of the folder....

Pin the tail on the donkey is also wonderful, but this big bunny gets a lot of smiles and pinch strength worked in. Place it higher on the wall to emphasize upper extremity strength and flexibility. Download PDF for Big Flower Bunny...

This activity can be done with any theme. Whether it is stars, clouds, monkey parts, apples, bunny tails, or birds on a wire, it will be a fun engaging skill builder. SOME BENEFITS INCLUDE: increased visual motor, visual perception, bilateral integration, strengthening, and plyometric moves that...

This is a fun task, especially at a fine motor obstacle course. It involves; visual-motor, visual perceptual, UE coordination, and visual attention skills. SUPPLIES: Water bottle, rice or alphabet pasta, and any small items that will fit into the bottle. DIRECTIONS: Gather up your small items and...

This is what you want to do with kids that need to learn about tying their shoes. It is the first part of the task, tying a knot and it is wonderful because of the repetition component of this task. SUPPLIES: Ribbon pieces, tongue depressor stick...