
This tool can be individualized very easily. Clients stay attended due to the sensory input of the string and they enjoy moving the string/yarn. Variatons may include; matching to pictures that relate to each other ( political figures, tree to apple, dog to puppy, sad face...

These prints can be used in a variety of ways. Try laminating them and place glitter or spangles on them. It really makes kids want to look & touch them. Yahoo! That can help get some skills done and you can add them to an obstacle...

If you want to use these again, just laminate them or place clear construction paper over them. Add this to some dots and you have a fun motivating course for kids to follow. A printer friendly version is included or that can allow kids to decorate...

This is a fun way to get over being afraid to draw. Exchange anxiety with smiles and laughter.  Completing this type of activity can begin to motivate clients from within and that is when the best therapy happens.  It is okay to make mistakes. Share your...

If you are starting your own OT or PT practice in pediatrics, a wedge and bolster will become some of your most used pieces of equipment. Share your pictures and ideas on Brilliant Therapy and earn points! Download PDF for Bolster & Wedge Activities...

Here is a way to combine movements and math skills which can really work for elementary school aged kids. If you like this you may like Monkey Moves (BrilliantTherapy)- it is just 1 sheet with 7 different moves that you can cut out if you are...

Physical therapists usually place doh onto a mat and have kids walk barefoot on it, while speech therapists use it for activities that can have pragmatic or receptive speech opportunities worked in. Such as 'how large' or 'how many'. Using play doh flattened out on a...

For additional ideas go on BrilliantTherapy site to OT=grasp development=minimal and look at 'Balls and Body Activities'. -You can also place tape down on butcher paper laying on the floor and have kids roll the ball on the tape line. -You may want to tape a party...