Obstacle Course: Bug and Frog

If you want to use these again, just laminate them or place clear construction paper over them. Add this to some dots and you have a fun motivating course for kids to follow.
A printer friendly version is included or that can allow kids to decorate it for motivation and skill building. You can then place many bugs on the floor and have kids travel/bear walk across the floor with hands and feet only coming in contact with the bugs. Let the strengthening begin!

You can also use it for the kids just learning to attend to 2 dimensional tasks. You may color/decorate it and have them copy/imitate their bug to be identical.
Quick Tip: If you are coloring in the lily pads, you can do it super fast by using the side of a crayon or pastel. Just ask the art teacher.
BTW If you want to super charge your obstacle course, grab yourself and e-book on obstacle courses.

Recommend your friends and earn points.  If you have a therapy tool you have created and want to sell, we can help you with that as well. Together we are better!

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