
Kids enjoy this coloring and cutting activity. It can be tricky when they are asked to cut out around the two ornaments. They get confused easily and do not ask for clarification of directions. This activity can give you some insight into their visual perceptual...

Making letters and names out of colored paper strips is fun and increases letter awareness and visual memory. SUPPLIES: Paper, glue, and colored paper strips or small squares. OPTION: Colored paper strips can be a wonderful way to help kids gage letter size. ST: Pick a letter to...

An ice cube tray or egg container can be useful for several OT and Speech activities. Here are a few ideas: OT: 1. ADL: Organize pills, To-Do-List, and snack measurer,...

Stencils are fun and packed with fine motor skill building. We figured that you can make a heart, but if you wanted a shamrock it might be a bit tougher so we added it for your printable. OPTIONS: Clients often build more skills by learning how...