
This tricky design works on more skills than you think. So much of therapy is using a simple common day task and presenting if differently to build desired pathways in the brain and work on targeted skills. This template has some tricky lines that will...

You can jazz this up by having kids place spangles or sequins on top of his back or in a single row along the top of his back. It all depends on what skill you are trying to target. The wider outline is wonderful for...

We put a little splash of color to keep it interesting! Parents also enjoy doing this together with their kids due to the easy to use layout and all they have to do is 1 shape a day. Do you give therapy homework packets to your parents?...

Yes you can color and cut it out, but you can also; = Use it as a sign on your obstacle course to moves slowly = Decorate it with glitter = Place words around it with the theme of slow moving items. Molasses is thicker than water. You...

You can also have clients draw children in the foreground or make 100 'X's or 'O's. Share what tools you have created with the team and receive more points! Download PDF for 100th Day of Schoolhouse...

Happy hands do better work. This warm-up helps the brain focus on the hands and assists with hand strengthening. Additional brain body moves can be found in 'Tools'. Download PDF for Finger Warm-Ups! ...

Building greater grasp strength is important for kids as well as the elderly. Here is a list of everyday hand motions that kids should engage in to build adequate strength for their future. Some of these are wonderful for the elderly population as well. If you...

This is a wonderful way to introduce intentional drawing. Line awareness, visual motor integration, and confidence building are some of the benefits of this task. If client is still afraid, try copying the x's and o's that are seen on the border. Creative therapists are all around...