
Here are a few colorful and printer friendly cards that help you lend visual support. Our clients deserve every tool we can make available to help them. This just might do the trick. Enjoy! Download the PDF for Picture Cards: Wheelchair...

These certainly beat the taped up phone books therapists used to use to help bring up the floor so that kids feet would not be dangling in air. These DIY foam blocks are light and easy to move, or stack, and have multiple uses in...

Push ups on a bolster or walk outs are wonderful for trunk strengthening, body awareness, and a great addition to any obstacle course. You may also have client lay supine on top and try to align their body with the bolster. They may even be...

Feet enjoy these workouts! Many of these activities can be done seated. They help strengthen muscles and coordination so that walking and sports are easier. Download the PDF for Fancy Feet Activities...

Almost every room has a chair. Which may mean we rest a lot more than we should. This is wonderful for all ages and can be helpful in sensory regulation. If you like this, you will like our e-books on obstacle courses. Download the PDF for Chair...