
What is cool about this sheet is that you can laminate it and using a dry erase marker make dots, dashes, shapes, letters, whatever you want on your side of the grid. Then you let the client duplicate it one of two ways. They can...

Easy to make and a fun way to work on crossing midline, line awareness, drawing skills, and imagination communication. 3 options are shown. To cross midline, you can clip them (great for digital strengthening) and place them on another side of ones body, you can also...

Something speech therapists do not want to be without are Ling Sounds. So here they are in a colorful printable form. These sounds are "ahh", "eee", "ooo", "mmm", "shh", and "sss" which cover sounds ranging from 250-4000 Hz. Now that is a lot of frequencies covering...

Blowing bubbles, paper whistles, and paint on paper are just some of the ways we can encourage oral muscle tone. OPTIONS: Use straws with different diameters and blow fuzz balls across different surfaces including water. You can also blow different items such as feathers, napkins, facial...

File Folders are a great way to keep a wide variety of tasks in a small space. Use a variety of colors and textures such as tin foil, sand paper, and pipe cleaner. Put the task inside, laminate it, and you are ready to go! Directions:...

This tool can be individualized very easily. Clients stay attended due to the sensory input of the string and they enjoy moving the string/yarn. Variatons may include; matching to pictures that relate to each other ( political figures, tree to apple, dog to puppy, sad face...