
Believe it or not, this Monkey Jump is the precursor to learning how to do the Cartwheel. We have put a line in the drawing so that people who are not familiar with this movement can see how the hands are planted on the floor...

If you like this tool, you may like Letter Dot Doodle. Parents: This is fun to use the paint stampers with. Have your little ones stamp each dot from top to bottom. Then incorporate other skill development or use it as a tracking device to see...

A maze with a story is always a great combination. Whether you tell or read the story, having a maze to go with it will definitely bring out an opportunity to work on visual and motor coordination skills. Just start at her neck and work your...

This move is valuable because it is the beginning movement for doing a cartwheel and you have your hips and feet crossing midline. This is a great addition to an obstacle course. You can place your hands on a line or tire or anything that makes...