29 Nov Fork Painting: Flower, Duck, Spider
No matter which subject you choose, painting with a fork adds a new and interesting element. Sensory fun for sure! Share your creations with the Brilliant Therapy Team and build up credit!...
No matter which subject you choose, painting with a fork adds a new and interesting element. Sensory fun for sure! Share your creations with the Brilliant Therapy Team and build up credit!...
Being able to copy tasks such as drawing is a very important skill. Here are some ideas. Have your client duplicate what they are shown, this can be a calendar, pattern, or placing items in a row on a skewer stick. This can help with thought...
Make writing fun! When it is fun, the job gets done. SUPPLIES: colored paper squares, pencil, glue stick. OPTION: This can be a wonderful addition to an obstacle course. Other versions can be glueing flies to a web or strips on a tree. ST: Clients may glue down...
Orbies are fun and can be ordered on line or found at Walmart. They are slippery watery beads of colorful sensory fun. All you need is some water and a bowl to put the tiny plastic-like beads in and within minutes they expand before you. If...
Yes, this is just like the Forked Spider & Fly, except you can use a pencil or cotton swab to spread out the paint to create spider legs. They usually end up a bit thicker so make your paint blob a bit bigger. This is a...
The bright colored paper encourages clients to try to cut circles without drawing them first. Imagining where a line should be, is a visual motor integration, visual perception, and memory task. SUPPLIES: scissors, bright colored paper, glue stick DIRECTIONS: 1. Cut and glue on grass. 2. Cut out...
These magic eggs are an inexpensive wonderful addition to any sensory room, reward for good behavior, or a comfort in the dark. They are durable and a great addition to my sensory summer camp. Special kids and adults need special things. These eggs are nice to...
This is a nice way to get sensory motor and visual motor skills addressed especially with your little guys (PreK and Kinder). Using colorful markers just adds to the fun. If you want to increase the skill building opportunities (such as bilateral assymetrical UE integration), have...
Speech therapists use charts like these to refer to for normal speech development. This one is colorful and fun to use. Download the PDF for Typical Speech Development...
Reflex integration is all about using neurodevelopmental movements to help develop and mature the body's reflexes for optimal functioning. Enjoy helping kids move! Share your special therapy moves with the Team and get credit! Download the PDF for Relfex Integration:ATNR/Landua...