
Words and coloring combined can create an atmosphere where communication and writing is encouraged, while coloring. It is simple enough to get colored during a treatment session, or as therapy homework that helps keep one away from the screen. Whatever you use this for, we...

Don't forget to make sure clients, young and old, can do this well because it is one of the first steps for safety. This COVID-19 friendly activity will get a 2 thumbs up. We have included a pdf with colorful pictures for clients who need them. Washing...

Doing an activity like this can help with writing, thought organization, memory, and communication skills. We have put in 2 versions for you. Let us know which is your favorite, because together we make therapy better! Download the PDF for Title, Author, Illustrator...

Something speech therapists do not want to be without are Ling Sounds. So here they are in a colorful printable form. These sounds are "ahh", "eee", "ooo", "mmm", "shh", and "sss" which cover sounds ranging from 250-4000 Hz. Now that is a lot of frequencies covering...

Sometimes clients will forget to stay focused on all the sounds in a word. Here is an activity that brings emphasis to the end of the word. This is a critical skill for reading. ST: Fluency, Articulation, Receptive language skills OT: Writing and task attention skills Share your...

Color by sounds can be a fun way to work on auditory processing skills and combining it with a motoric response. Enjoy! Download the PDF for Color By Sounds...