
A fox and fun pictures make everyone smile. Show kids how to fold paper to start a cut in the middle of a paper, make a sentence with each of the fun pictures, or just slide them into the Fox's mouth! You may even talk about...

These can be fun to keyboard as well as copy. Make a tautogram with a student's name in it and they will like it even more. Auditory driven students enjoy this. We have included some writing paper with this. Let imagination take wing. Share your fun creative...

This simple template can be used in a variety of ways here are some ideas to get you started! -Laminate it and place it on a clip board or inside a folder where kids can check the box when they have completed the tasks written in...

Complete coloring the turkey with a sample below. The sample is easy to cut off or fold out of sight if that is better for the skills being addressed. For short term memory, you can show students and then fold it back under. Count how...

Use the visual chart to show different body movements! You can laminate and cut them out. Add some velcro and lay them on a strip. You can also use them for a visual schedule. This tool is so beneficial for many kids, not just those...