
Pool noodles can be used for a variety of therapy tasks. This picture should give you additional ideas on what you can do for grasping balls, balloons, and stuffed animals with 1 pool noodle. Great for using 2 hands together and accomplishing a task. Yippee!...

Crossing midline is important for not just physical benefits but also for the brain. Balancing activities also assist the brain development that affects skills such as reading, math, and activities of daily living (ADL's) such as donning socks. Balancing is also important, so this activity gets...

Pipe cleaner can also be useful in obstacle courses as well as crafts or shoe tying practice. Here they are used as part of an obstacle course designed to address balance and sensory defensiveness. We used pipe cleaners, blue paper, shredded paper (gift paper) and small...

These certainly beat the taped up phone books therapists used to use to help bring up the floor so that kids feet would not be dangling in air. These DIY foam blocks are light and easy to move, or stack, and have multiple uses in...

Balance beam work is terrific for improving visual motor, body awareness, and balancing. If walking and hopping along it are too easy, try holding a ball above your head and walk backwards. OPTIONS: If you are really brave and are seeking an improved brain to feet...