
Bring out the scissors, crayons, glue sticks and have fun working on speech skills. Items needed: Glue stick/tape, scissors, and markers/crayons OT's may use this activity for; sentence generation, and cutting skills or an activity related to a camp program. Check us out on facebook and submit your...

A wonderful way to combine imagination and speech and writing skills. If you are a creative person who wants to help make items for skill building, check out how you can submit items to brilliant therapy, because Together We Are Better!™ Click Here to Download the PDF...

Old car tires in a therapy gym for all ages is a hit! If you have some kids wash them there will be no black hands when you jump over them, into them, around them, or drive them down a line in the gym. Be...

Obstacle courses can be made from a variety of items. In this Obstacle course we used discarded containers and put a pumpkin face on the bottom of the containers and then let kids place the opening on a hook. We also, had them carry (vampire blood- water...

Pool noodles can be used for a variety of therapy tasks. This picture should give you additional ideas on what you can do for grasping balls, balloons, and stuffed animals with 1 pool noodle. Great for using 2 hands together and accomplishing a task. Yippee!...

Helping kids develop strategies that help them be successful in life is important. Here is another tool to help kids and it can be adapted to fit your kids particular brain. Each child learns differently and uses different strategies based on how their brain is...