
Following directions is an important part of life, communication, safety, and relationships. If these are too difficult, try doing the Simple Directions Tasks first to strengthen desired skills. Click here to download the PDF...

Here is a set of wonderful visual-perceptual challenges that can be used for clients having a variety of diagnoses, such as head trauma or dyslexia. Visual memory and discrimination are really addressed so start noodle looking. Click here to download the PDF ...

Just cut out the four picture squares and then have client paste them on a strip of paper in the correct order. If you like this, check out the other sequence cards available at Click here to download the PDF ...

Draw each number into an animal, object, or picture of your choice. Here is a chance to create and imagine lines that are not familiar, do a drawing process that is different, and develop other cognitive pathways to help with writing, memory, and more. OT: You may...

Learning to draw is another way to improve line awareness, cognitive skills, and visual-motor and visual-perceptual skills. Click here to download the PDF...

A fun way to work on visual perception, visual motor, and other cognitive skills is to complete this drawing. We have included several variations that can be helpful depending on your setting or client skill levels. Click here to download the PDF...

This versatile tool is especially fun to do with kids. Speech: Give every bunny a name or character trait. You can also have kids tell what each bunny likes. Occupational Therapy: You may have kids write a word in each bunny, or color each bunny's clothing. This...

Here is a simple page for little friends. Beginning table top tasks are supposed to be relatable, so this can be even better if you then have the balls in your room to match the picture. Click here to download the PDF...