
Laminate your own custom board focused on your therapy goals. Here is one idea to get the creativity started. OPTION: You can also use file folders to place your sticker velcro strips on. OT: For writing goals you may have kids place alphabet letters in a row...

If you like these activities, you will love our I Spy eBook! Some of the pages can be great for TBI clients who struggle with working memory or visual strategies such as using thier non-dominant hand to help locate or remember visual areas on the page...

Check these out! This total body moving is great for body awareness! Kids pull up on the rope handles to keep the monster feet secured to their own. ST: Try having kids answer questions or talk while they are monster walking around....

This is an eye catcher and can awaken the sleepy ones with the tinkling sound of bells. Great for auditory dominant kids too. Speech therapists will be more likely to follow the rules emphasizing turn taking amidst auditory distraction....

Here is a favorite that can be used in many different ways. I used a discarded cardboard grid from a game, but you can use a carpet knife on cardboard from a box, scissors cutting a cereal box, or make your grid from card stock...