
Training the eyes to process data in an organized way (from the top to the bottom of the page for example) is important. Here is another iSpy page to have fun working on these skills. Create some of your own, and share them with the team! Download...

Look and laugh could be another name for this task. Whimsical in appearance and fun to find characters, this activity is a nice way to address visual-motor skills. Download the PDF for iSpy: Happy Halloween...

Both young and elderly clients enjoy making kabobs and they are a wonderful way to build fine motor and ADL skills. OPTIONS: You can place a variety of foods on skewer sticks such as; pineapple, cheese, meat, berries, grapes, apples, marshmallows and more. Young clients can...

All ages of clients like to decorate so this can be great fun for everyone. This activity is wonderful for addressing sensory defensiveness, impulse control, thought organization and planning, as well as fine motor skills. SUPPLIES: Graham crackers, blue frosting, cheddar fish. optional: sprinkles DIRECTIONS: Spread frosting...

Blowing bubbles, paper whistles, and paint on paper are just some of the ways we can encourage oral muscle tone. OPTIONS: Use straws with different diameters and blow fuzz balls across different surfaces including water. You can also blow different items such as feathers, napkins, facial...

Yes, this is just like the Forked Spider & Fly, except you can use a pencil or cotton swab to spread out the paint to create spider legs. They usually end up a bit thicker so make your paint blob a bit bigger. This is a...