01 Oct Alerting Activities
If you like this you will like our Calming Activities poster page as well. Check out our Reset Station and other sensory related e-books. Download the PDF for Alerting Activities...
If you like this you will like our Calming Activities poster page as well. Check out our Reset Station and other sensory related e-books. Download the PDF for Alerting Activities...
Post this up for assisting personnel and it can help your therapy session be more intentional. Check out our other charts or our e-books on sensory modulation. If you like this, you will like Brilliant Therapy's Reset Station and other sensory related e-books. Download the PDF for...
This is a useful handout to give parents, grandparents, and caretakers. Check us out on facebook and our Gym5 facebook page as well. Download the PDF for My Child Avoids...
This can be used in a variety of ways depending on what skills you are targeting. = You may have kids look for a number of items and color a dot that represents each item singled out. Then use the dots to remember what they saw...
This activity is wonderful for following directions, line imitation, far point copy, visual-perceptual and visual-motor skills. It also works on asymmetrical bilateral UE coordination (cutting skills), paper orientation, and every bug looks wonderful. Supplies: 1. 3 colored sheets of paper (blue, light green, darker green) 2. 1 sheet...
There are many ways to do matching activities, from socks to pictures and all of them can be fun, especially if they are a subject of interest. These types of activities are wonderful for visual memory, visual-perceptual skills, turn taking, attention to details and task...
If you like this, you may like the Fine Motor Sensory Stations. Fine Motor Stations have endless possibilities. Remember to keep each element simple without too many steps so that clients will be able to get to each of the tasks. Cutting, folding, searching, rotating, mazes, puzzles,...
Using sensory bins can address a variety of skills. You may choose to work on writing and memory by placing a letter on a card underneath the fluff, rice, etc. and then have clients trace it with their finger and guess the letter or you...
Simple Sensory Desktop Strategies are helpful for kids that need the extra touch. Here is a list of some strategies that can make a significant difference. NOTE: Some of these can be used for adults in their office space. 1. Use washcloth as shown (provided boundary) and...
Obstacle courses should be changed frequently to continue to build skills, use a variety of muscles, and build a variety of neurological pathways. If there is a particular challenge it is fine to keep it again in your next course until better mastery is achieved....