
This is a fun game that tickles the imagination. Place the 1 stack of cards face down on the table and the picture cards spread around face up. Once the kids locate the answer they can feed it to the monster until every card is gone. Lots...

Quick to get ready this fun filled therapy adventure will make building skills easier. If you are working on writing skills, have kids turn over a card and write their answer to the questions on a sheet of writing paper. Have you developed a fun skill building...

Therapist's as well as homeschool moms & dads enjoy doing this with the kids. It really targets mental reasoning and visual skills. Then you get to generate sentences on the topic. Science and therapy together make a great blend. Let the kids pick up everything...

Physical therapists usually place doh onto a mat and have kids walk barefoot on it, while speech therapists use it for activities that can have pragmatic or receptive speech opportunities worked in. Such as 'how large' or 'how many'. Using play doh flattened out on a...