
Sometimes a quick sensory hack is just the fix for the ADHD kid or to wake up the alertness level for learning. This is a strategy that can get missed but can be super effective. OPTIONS: Body lotion, coconut oil, sunscreen, aloe vera gel, and a...

Using Google Eyes can make all the difference in how kids will view the activity. BTW We added an obstacle course procedure tool that will help ensure success so that kids understand expectations better and are motivated to follow the rules. If you have come up with...

Trapazoid Jumping is a great way to address reflex integration, bilateral integration, and coordination. Share your favorite ways to work on these skills with the Brilliant Therapy team and get credit! Together we make therapy better!...

There are many different yoga visual support sheets on your Brilliant Therapy site, so browse around and find what you want. We have included this printer friendly and colored version for you to get started. OPTIONS: As you can tell by the pictures, Yoga and Tai...

This is a wonderful visual-perceptual and visual motor tool. Kids just love the colorful fanciful pieces. They are easy to put away and pull out, colorful, and have a nice proprioceptive touch element to them due to the magnetic pieces....

Stencils are wonderful tools to improve fine motor control, digital strength, while providing some proprioception. OPTIONS: To emphasize upper body strengthening, have client do it on a wall rather than using a table top. PT: Have client place paper on wall to do stenciling and have them...

You will be surprised at what a wonderful skill builder this activity is. It is easy to measure progress objectively and works well in obstacle courses. From TBI to Autism clients, they will build skills in visual motor, visual tracking, balance, and attention to task...