
Obstacle courses should be changed frequently to continue to build skills, use a variety of muscles, and build a variety of neurological pathways. If there is a particular challenge it is fine to keep it again in your next course until better mastery is achieved....

This asymmetrical bilateral cutting task can really target skills; writing, cutting, fine motor coordination, and relaxation. The cutting portion of this task can help with understanding angles which are very important when writing the letters K,M,N,Q,R,V,W,X,Y, and Z. OPTIONS: The center can be done with colored...

Activities with laminate scraps are endless. Recycling is a new way of working. Watch the videos and check out the pictures for some ideas. More Options: 1. Place laminate on wall. Place velcro bits on it and have clients reach up and place items on them. When...

Stencils are wonderful tools to improve fine motor control, digital strength, while providing some proprioception. OPTIONS: To emphasize upper body strengthening, have client do it on a wall rather than using a table top. PT: Have client place paper on wall to do stenciling and have them...

Paper plate crafts are wonderful for folding, cutting, and color/painting skills. Owl SUPPLIES: Markers, orange paper, scissors, stapler DIRECTIONS: 1. Draw your chest feathers across the center of the plate. 2. Fold the two wing sides of the plate and simultaneously tuck in the very top of...

Pin the tail on the donkey is also wonderful, but this big bunny gets a lot of smiles and pinch strength worked in. Place it higher on the wall to emphasize upper extremity strength and flexibility. Download PDF for Big Flower Bunny...

Markers can be used for many games and therapy tasks. Here are a few: -coloring -writing -matching (use dried out markers for this, then put all caps with corresponding marker) -finding (Hide & Seek) -charades ( act out a color or item that coordinates with the color and let others guess) -tossing...