
Oh My! This is a blast! This treatment tool works on so much: -Writing -Thought organization -UE ROM & Strengthening & Endurance -Attention to task -Visual-Perception -Visual Motor -ADL Checklist And so much more, especially if you have a large mirror where you can trace body parts. Our sensory summer camp kids loved writing...

This is an effective easy to use tool. Some kids need additional support so use a dry erase marker on their desk for schedules, behaviors, and reward points. TBI clients may respond well to ADL items listed on their bathroom mirror. NOTES: You can use Mr. Clean...

Lines can be helpful for elderly people to know where to go or look, where to place their keys, shoes, or papers, and can help them see a dangerous step in their garage. Simply said, lines help therapist's in many ways. Lines are useful in an...

Whether it is a game, obstacle course element, visual memory (works with lots of sock pairs) task, or a tricky way to get a kid to put them on their feet, socks can be fun. OPTION:  You can also make ABA and other patterns with food...

For additional ideas go on BrilliantTherapy site to OT=grasp development=minimal and look at 'Balls and Body Activities'. -You can also place tape down on butcher paper laying on the floor and have kids roll the ball on the tape line. -You may want to tape a party...

Here are some additional ideas for how balls can be used in therapy sessions. For ball activities focusing on UE use, Go to Brilliant Therapy section under OT=unlimited=grasp development and find 'Balls and Arms Activities'. Additional Ideas: -Throw velcro balls to a target -Place butcher paper across a...

When using a ball with upper extremity and brain skill building we can often forget some opportunities that are out of the norm. Here are some additional ideas that do not often come to mind. -Roll a ball along one extended arm, across your chest and...