21 Jul Finger Warm-Ups!
Happy hands do better work. This warm-up helps the brain focus on the hands and assists with hand strengthening. Additional brain body moves can be found in 'Tools'. Download PDF for Finger Warm-Ups! ...
Happy hands do better work. This warm-up helps the brain focus on the hands and assists with hand strengthening. Additional brain body moves can be found in 'Tools'. Download PDF for Finger Warm-Ups! ...
These 3 moves can cheer a heart and allow it to thrive as the body physically benefits from the skills it addresses such as balance, imitation of moving objects, and following directions. If you like these, you will really like the e-books on obstacle courses. Check...
These 7 wall exercises are colorfully illustrated to encourage client to continue doing them on their own. Sometimes clients just do better with colorful pictures. Download PDF for Great Wall Exercises From Head To Toe...
These easy to play challenges only take 1 piece of equipment and then you are building skills in a fun way. Pick the ones that use skills you are trying to improve. If you like these, you may like some of our other games and obstacle...
Try approaching movements by coloring them first and then doing them. You may be surprised at what changing the routine can do. Simple to color or cut out, the kids get to look at their own colorful creations and do the moves. Now that makes coloring...
There are several vision exercises that can be done with these. You get to choose. Download PDF for Vision Sheets...
Check out our Brock String activities with illustrations and if you want to make your own we have at DIY Brock String guide. Check out our I Spy e-books. You may like them! Download PDF for I Spy Brock String Activities...
Supplies: 1 yard of string, paper clip, 4 beads Brock String exercises are wonderful for visual convergence skills and pinch strength. You can check out multiple activities on YouTube, however, if you want printable Brock String exercises, we have them for you. Download PDF for I Spy: DIY...
We have 2 versions available at Brilliant Therapy. Download PDF for Printer Friendly Handwriting Position...
Here are some creative ideas to do with this writing workout page: *Have kids pick a number between 1 and 8 and then have them do the number of lines they picked. *Highlight the lines they like best and have them continue those lines. They can watch...