
This has two versions that we have included. Just pull out the glue and the glitter and let the kids struggle to do it themselves. Hand strengthening, problem solving, and glitter happiness awaits! Easy to do so you have time to pay close attention to the...

Basic circle and triangle orientation tool. Try using soothing music in the background while doing this activity. This may look easy but for some it takes work.  Reward progress and effort! Download PDF for Color,Cut,Draw Circle & Triangle...

Simple Sensory Flower -download pdf Supplies: 1 white paper (8.5x11") 1 Colored paper Scissors 1 pipe cleaner (green) Glue stick Optional items for the center or petals such as; sand, glitter, fuzz balls Suggestions: This activity is easily adapted for groups of kids with a wide range of skills. This project is easily laminated....

Supplies: Ruler, Dry Erase Marker (option shown) or pencil if using paper, and a model to look at.  You can keep using the same model to trace over by slipping it into a page protector so it can be reused. If you need it for...

Supplies: 2 colored pieces of paper, scissors, markers, glue. Cut out a triangle and glue the silhouette onto white paper. Then practice drawing triangles!...

Supplies: Colored paper, glue, scissors, pencil/marker. Cut out a circle for the turkey body and almond shapes for feathers on different colored pieces of paper. Use your scrap paper for wings/feet/beak....