03 Jan OT School Notes
Here is a sample note-taking form that can help keep your data organized and easy to do. Click here to download the PDF...
Here is a sample note-taking form that can help keep your data organized and easy to do. Click here to download the PDF...
This is a dynamic task. The therapist is slowly turning the wheel in front of the client as they point out the letters in order. This is wonderful for head injury or stroke clients that have vision challenges. NOTE: Parents/caretakers, ask a therapist to show you...
Instead of writing it down each time in your notes, try using this sheet instead to save you time and help you cover all the benefits of your course. Click here to download the PDF...
Here is a simple form that you can use to design it to fit your client's specific needs. If memory is the big focus, just fold the paper to hide what you have placed in the bolded boxes and see if they can find them...
Games are a wonderful way to build skills and have fun. They also can have a way of strengthening our immune system and building friendships. Here is a quick short list that can help you figure out which game you want to play. It can also...
Sometimes it is helpful to have all the most common codes on a simple to use sheet. We hope that this is helpful. Click here to download the PDF...
Doing mazes is a wonderful way to slow rushed writing, encourage looking ahead, and visual memory. Sometimes this tool is not realized as being important, but mazes are. So here is a helpful handout that you can distribute or a cheat sheet to help you talk...
If you have not been doing pediatrics and now find yourself thrust into the school setting, here are some of the most common standardized tests being used. **VMI = Beery Buktenica Visual Motor Integration (good for ages 3 and up), This test can be done every...
Need a quick coloring and cutting skill idea? Then this will be helpful, so just print and go! Sometimes simple is better for our clients. Many of these kinds of activities are in parents tools under the following categories; classroom tools, obstacle courses, therapeutic activities, and following directions. Download...
Something speech therapists do not want to be without are Ling Sounds. So here they are in a colorful printable form. These sounds are "ahh", "eee", "ooo", "mmm", "shh", and "sss" which cover sounds ranging from 250-4000 Hz. Now that is a lot of frequencies covering...