
Yes, the picture was a real life scenario. But many of our clients have to deal with the fears and anxiety associated with surgery as well as the reduced energy to perform everyday ADL tasks. Here are 2 handouts that can help. Download PDF for Hip &...

With 3 different levels to choose from, you start by having your vision client point out the shape at the bottom and then read it. Directions are on the pdf that is included. This is an activity that is used for clients that have difficulty with...

We hope that this will help you cover all your bases quickly as you assess visual concerns with your clients. NOTE: OT's are the therapist of choice to bring vision concerns to as they have the most training in the vision area along with a vision...

A quick picture that can help you get some creative energy for decorating a door. Share your door ideas with your BrilliantTherapy Team! Download PDF for Door Decor Idea...

Whether Strawberry Man Grid is used as a puzzle or to copy or trace, he just looks like fun. If you have some of your own creations that you want to share, add them to your Brilliant Therapy Facebook page. We enjoy being part of your...

We would love to hear from you. Share your handouts or ideas and we can give you credit here at BrilliantTherapy. Just go to our facebook page to enter your ideas. Download PDF for Dyslexia Explained ...

If monkeys do it, we want to as well. Try these moves kids love. Use a pointer stick for added fun so that they can point to what they will do next. What can you do? Perhaps recommend a friend to join or let us help...