
Eye and brain training with letters can be fun. With lots of space between letters and an easy break half way thru the task. You can also fold the paper so it looks manageable to the client. Download PDF for Circle and Cross...

Use the visual chart to show different body movements! You can laminate and cut them out. Add some velcro and lay them on a strip. You can also use them for a visual schedule. This tool is so beneficial for many kids, not just those...

Any instrument that such as maracas, triangles, or music tubes can be wonderful for social and emotional skills, as well as upper body conditioning.  This often works well with the unmotivated or pain clients. If you do not have instruments at your facility, you can often...

Supplies: 2 colored pieces of paper, scissors, markers, glue. Cut out a triangle and glue the silhouette onto white paper. Then practice drawing triangles!...

Learn about parameters, task completion, and gluing! All you need are colored paper, scissors, and glue. You can cut out a triangle and glue it on base paper, then put glue dots on the triangle tree and paper on top of the glue....