
This versatile tool is especially fun to do with kids. Speech: Give every bunny a name or character trait. You can also have kids tell what each bunny likes. Occupational Therapy: You may have kids write a word in each bunny, or color each bunny's clothing. This...

Here is a simple page for little friends. Beginning table top tasks are supposed to be relatable, so this can be even better if you then have the balls in your room to match the picture. Click here to download the PDF...

This is a maze with a twist! You need to travel to the end and collect as many snowflakes as you can along the way, but do not retrace your way. Good Luck! Brains+Visual Motor Coordination+Confidence=This tool! Click here to download the PDF...

A wild option to do with this maze is to play a song and see if clients can get thru it before the song ends. Brain plasticity is key here, along with all the other wonderful benefits of completing t maze. Share your wild creations with the...

Start easy and then build the confidence to try a maze that is more difficult! That is how it is done! This is why we have so many different mazes. If you need an easy way to gage difficulty levels, just organize them by 1...

This maze has paths that get gradually smaller as concentration gets more focused. Check out all the other mazes we have and let us know what you think. Click here to download the PDF...

Colorful, dangerous to the eyes, and a challenge to brain plasticity, this butterfly inspired maze exhibits an alphabet boarder rather than the expected solid line. This leaves some with an uneasy feeling and can make them want to initially shy away from taking on the...

Here you get to collect charms or lucky things. This creates a rich environment for working on cognition and communication along with typical maze skills. This is one of our favorites for flexible thinking combined with visual skills. DIRECTIONS: Try to get thru the maze and...