
This is a simple visual motor task that is harder than it looks. Just match the zebra's to their corresponding shadow. Let us know what you need more of and we will upload it for you. We want to help you be the best therapist you...

Learning to follow directions is a critical skill that can help with job, academic, and relationship successes. Start with easy tasks that are achievable and then work on more challenging skills. Remember that these types of skills take some time to develop so have patience and...

Following directions is an important part of life, communication, safety, and relationships. If these are too difficult, try doing the Simple Directions Tasks first to strengthen desired skills. Click here to download the PDF...

Just cut out the four picture squares and then have client paste them on a strip of paper in the correct order. If you like this, check out the other sequence cards available at Click here to download the PDF ...

Draw each number into an animal, object, or picture of your choice. Here is a chance to create and imagine lines that are not familiar, do a drawing process that is different, and develop other cognitive pathways to help with writing, memory, and more. OT: You may...

Visual processing is vital to academic success. So much learning is in written form. You cannot fix and error if you do not see it. This tool is helpful in developing the visual skills needed to correct writing errors and locating them. All you need is...

Learning to draw is another way to improve line awareness, cognitive skills, and visual-motor and visual-perceptual skills. Click here to download the PDF...

A fun way to work on visual perception, visual motor, and other cognitive skills is to complete this drawing. We have included several variations that can be helpful depending on your setting or client skill levels. Click here to download the PDF...